Note From The Commissioner: Farewell and Thank You to a True Public Servant

Friday Jun 1st, 2018

Farewell to Olivia

This week, the Baltimore City Health Department bid a fond farewell to Olivia Farrow, Deputy Commissioner for Youth Wellness and Community Health, after 33 years of service to the City. Even among other great public servants at the Health Department, Olivia stands out—for the depth of her commitment to the residents of Baltimore, but also for the grace and good humor in which she works.

Olivia worked her way up at the Health Department, beginning as a Sanitarian in our Bureau of Environmental Health. She subsequently became the first lawyer for the Health Department to prosecute a lead poisoning case in Baltimore City, helping reduce the number of lead-poisoned children by over 90 percent citywide. More than two decades of service later, she became the Interim Health Commissioner, then the Director of the Mayor’s Office of Human Services.

I am so grateful to have worked with Olivia for the past three years. She has overseen some of our City’s most significant programs, including B’More for Healthy Babies and Safe Streets. Olivia has been instrumental to our starting the Baltimore City Stabilization Center—the beginning of our 24/7 “ER” for addiction and behavioral health needs.

But to solely focus on Olivia’s accomplishments but would be a disservice, because she has been an invaluable resource for the entire Health Department—and to me. Olivia has been part of my transition to BCHD and to Baltimore from the very beginning, and has every step of the way, has been exceptionally generous with her wisdom, support, and friendship. Olivia’s exemplary service to the City spans over three decades, and many hundreds of others have similarly benefited from her guidance.

All of us at the Baltimore City Health Department wish her well in her next journey. Congratulations and thank you for 33 exceptional years! Olivia and so many others at the Health Department inspire me every day with their dedication, commitment, and integrity. Our Department – and our City – are better for it. I thank Olivia and I thank all of our public servants for the work they do every single day.

Leana Wen, M.D., M.Sc.

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