Note From The Commissioner:Getting Tested and Talking to Our Youth about Sexual Health

Friday Jun 21st, 2019
Pride Day

This past week, we celebrated Pride Month during the 2019 Baltimore City Pride Parade and Festival. We were excited to participate and enjoyed seeing so many familiar faces from the community and beyond.  As we close out the month of June, remember that June 27 marks National HIV Testing Day.  Please share this important date with your friends and families to encourage testing and please take advantage of some of our free resources here at the Health Department.

We would love to invite youth and young adults, between the ages of 14 and 26, to join us next week at the Youth Sexual Health Conference on June 28 at the Lord Baltimore Hotel. The aim of this event is to increase knowledge and skills among youth to promote healthy behaviors, especially around sexual health. There will be youth-focused and youth-led workshops, entertainment, a talent show, raffle, and testing for HIV and other STDs. 

I look forward to hearing from our young people, sharing my vision for a healthier youth population in Baltimore City, and sustaining my commitment to working with our youth leaders to promote youth wellness.


Be well,

Letitia Dzirasa, MD

Baltimore City Commissioner of Health

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