BCHD Interns Discuss Zika Virus with University of Maryland Baltimore Police Officers

Taylor Owens and Vernon Stepney, two BCHD interns who are rising juniors at Baltimore Polytechnic Institute, conducted a Zika presentation to the University of Maryland Baltimore Police Department. During the presentation, the students discussed ways that Baltimoreans can protect themselves from the virus and other mosquito-borne illnesses.
Most people with Zika don’t have symptoms at all. About 1 in 5 people will have symptoms such as fever, rash, joint pain, conjunctivitis (red eyes) or headaches. Most people will have a mild infection, which require no hospitalization and go away on their own. The Zika virus is a concern for all Baltimoreans because it can spread from a pregnant person to the fetus, causing serious birth defects. The virus is very easy to pass from one person to another.
Here are some tips to stay protected:
- Use insect repellent on anyone over the age of 2 months
- Wear light weight, long-sleeved shirts and pants
- Use condoms during sex
- Eliminate standing water in your house and neighborhood
- Do not travel to areas with Zika
Baltimoreans can also help by becoming a Zika Ambassador. Zika Ambassadors are essential to spreading awareness about the virus to their community. Once becoming an ambassador, you will receive a certification from the Health Department when training and activities are completed.
To learn more about becoming a Zika Ambassador, Click here.