B'More for Healthy Babies Celebrates 7 Successful Years!

Friday Oct 14th, 2016

B'more for Healthy Babies 7th Anniversary Event

Baltimore City Health Department employees, elected officials, city representatives, and families from across Baltimore City came together on Thursday evening at the National Aquarium to celebrate seven years of success in reducing infant mortality rates at an event honoring the B'more for Healthy Babies initiative.

Last week, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, Dr. Wen, and community partners celebrated the lowest recorded infant mortality rate in the city – a 38 percent reduction since B’More for Healthy Babies began.

B'more for Healthy Babies 7th Anniversary Event

In 2009, Baltimore City had the fourth highest infant mortality rate in the nation. B'more for Healthy Babies was founded to ensure that all babies are born at a healthy weight, full-term and ready to thrive in healthy families. Since the program’s inception, Baltimore’s infant mortality rate has dramatically declined, while disparities between black and white infant deaths have also consistently decreased. As a result of B’More for Healthy Babies, the teen birth rates in the city have dropped by an unprecedented 32 percent.

Congratulations to Assistant Commissioner Rebecca Dineen, our entire Maternal and Child Health team, and all of our B'more for Healthy Babies partners for all of their dedication and success! 

B'more for Healthy Babies 7th Anniversary Event

B'more for Healthy Babies 7th Anniversary Event

B'more for Healthy Babies 7th Anniversary Event


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