Plan Review


The Plan Review section is the first stop for most facilities looking to obtain a license. New food service facilities or facilities under new ownership, including swimming pools and tattoo establishments, must submit plans and undergo an initial Plan Review inspection prior to license approval.

For more resources or specific information on regulatory compliance please visit the relevant sites:

Food Service Facilities 
Tattoo Establishments
Swimming Pools/Spas

What you will need to begin the Plan Review Process:

  1. You MUST apply for a Use and Occupancy Permit from the Department of Housing & Community Development located at 417 East Fayette Street prior to applying for a Plan Review inspection. Keep the receipt you receive when you submit the application.
    • ​If you are building a new facility or making structural changes to an existing facility:​
      • Apply for a building permit, and
      • ​Submit construction plans to the department of planning.
      • These plans will be forwarded to the health department for review. The health department will alert you to any changes that need to be made to the plan. After approval of plans from all relevant agencies, a building permit will be issued and construction may begin.
    • ​If you are not building a new facility or making major structural changes, it is recommended that you bring an informal layout of your facility to the health department, including locations of all equipment, walls, doors, toilets, sinks, etc. The plan review supervisor will review this layout and make suggestions to help ensure a successful final inspection.
  2. If the business involves any alcoholic beverages, apply for a liquor license from the Board of Liquor License Commissioners, located at 10 South Street, Room 200.
  3. Once all relevant steps listed above are completed, visit the Bureau of Environmental Health's front counter, located at 1001 E. Fayette St. You must have with you:
    • ​​The Use and Occupancy receipt, and
    • $150 plan review fee
  4. ​At this time you will receive an information packet detailing all the materials you will need to submit in order to obtain a license. 
    • (Tip: The Plan Review fee includes two on-site inspections. If you wish, you may schedule an inspection before or during construction to verify compliance. Final inspection shall occur only after the completion of construction.)
  5. While awaiting approval of building permit or completion of construction:
    • For Food Service Facilities:
      • ​​​Begin preparing your menu, recipe(s), and HACCP plan according to the guidelines in the information packet (click here to see guidelines).
      • Obtain Certified Food Manager Certification for yourself or a staff member (all food facilities are required to have one certified food manager)
    • For Tattoo Establishments:
      • Begin collecting the required information to register each Tattooist
        • name,
        • years practicing,
        • address, and
        • phone number
    • For Swimming Pools/Spas:
      • Begin collecting certifications for lifeguards and certified pool operators.
        • certificates must have expiration dates
        • CPR must indicate for adult/child/infant or CPR for the professional rescuer
      • ​Prepare the Virginia Graeme Baker Act Compliance form. Note: this only has to be submitted once unless changes have been made to the pool, pump, or anti-entrapment drain covers.
      • Complete ADA Affidavit
  6. ​​Once construction is complete, you may schedule an inspection of your facility. If your facility passes inspection, you will receive an approval notice from a Department Environmental Health Specialist.


  • $150 Initial inspection (includes 1 re-inspection)
  • Addtional re-inspections will cost $50 each.
  • If it is necessary or required for you to submit blueprints of your establishment there is a $75 fee for this review.

Applications and Permits

Plan Review Application

Guidelines for Operating Food Establishments

Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR 10.15.03)
Baltimore City Health Code

Documents Required to Obtain a License all of the below documents must be brought with you to obtain your license:

 Bring the following documents to obtain your FOOD SERVICE FACILITY license:

  1. Completed Food License Application 
  2. Approval notice from a BCHD Environmental Health Specialist
  3. All Food Service Plan Review requirements.
  4. Menu and equipment list
  5. HACCP plan
  6. Food Service Manager's Certificate (food managers must be certified within 90 days of employment)
  7. The original contract with a licensed pest control company
  8. Certified copy of the Articles of Incorporation if the owner is a corporation. It should have the charter/trade name from the State Department of Assessments and Taxation, located at 301 W. Preston St., Room 809, Baltimore, MD 21201 (Tel: 410-767-1330)
  9. Workman's Compensation Insurance information
  10. A contract for waste hauler services if more than 3 (32 gallons) commercial trash receptacles are generated per week.
  11. An approved Use and Occupancy permit.
  12. Tax-exempt status documents under the 501(c) (3) Internal Revenue Code for
  13. Any person representing the owners when obtaining the food license must bring a notarized Power of Attorney.
  14. All handwritten documents  must be notarized (not including the menu and list of food equipment)

Please Note: ​In an effort to reduce the use of paper, please submit the menu, equipment list, HACCP plan, and any other documents you may already have in electronic format via email.

Bring the following documents to obtain your TATTOO ESTABLISHMENT license:

  1. Completed tattoo license application
  2. Approval notice from a BCHD Environmental Health Specialist
  3. Certified copy of the Articles of Incorporation if the owner is a corporation. It should have the charter/trade name from the State Department of Assessments and Taxation, located at 301 W. Preston St., Room 809, Baltimore, MD 21201 (Tel: 410-767-1330)
  4. Workman's Compensation Insurance information
  5. A contract for waste hauler services if more than 3 (32 gallons) commercial trash receptacles are generated per week
  6. An approved Use and Occupancy permit
  7. Any person representing the owner when obtaining the license must bring a notarized Power of Attorney
  8. All handwritten documents must be notarized

Bring the following documents to obtain your SWIMMING POOL/SPA license:

  1. Completed swimming pool/spa license application
  2. Approval notice from a BCHD Environmental Health Specialist
  3. Valid certification with expiration dates for:
    • Lifeguards,
    • First aid,
    • CPR, and
    • Certified Pool Operator
  4. Completed VGB Act Compliance form
  5. Completed ADA Affidavit
  6. Certified copy of the Articles of Incorporation if the owner is a corporation. It should have the charter/trade name from the State Department of Assessments and Taxation, located at 301 W. Preston St., Room 809, Baltimore, MD 21201 (Tel: 410-767-1330)
  7. Workman's Compensation Insurance information
  8. A contract for waste hauler services if more than 3 (32 gallons) commercial trash receptacles are generated per week
  9. An approved Use and Occupancy permit
  10. Any person representing the owner when obtaining the license must bring a notarized Power of Attorney
  11. All handwritten documents must be notarized

When modifying the structure, equipment, layout, menu, or food preparation and handling procedures at an existing food establishment:

  1. Notify the Health Department of any of the above modifications, even minor ones by calling the plan review supervisor at 410-396-4544. The plan review supervisor will let you know if your planned modifications will require a building permit and/or plan review and reinspection.
  2. If a building permit is necessary, you may apply and submit plans to the department of planning located at 417 East Fayette Street.
  3. If plan review and reinspection is necessary, you must submit plans prior to the commencement of work or the institution of the change. Bring all plans and the $150 plan review fee to 1001 E. Fayette Street, Environmental Inspection Services.​
    • (Tip: The Plan Review fee includes two on-site inspections. If you wish, you may schedule an inspection before or during construction to verify compliance. Final inspection shall occur only after the completion of construction)
  4. Once the building permit is issued, or the plans are reviewed and approved, modification work may commence.
  5. After modifications are complete, schedule a final inspection of the modified facility. If the facility passes inspection, you will receive a notice of approval for the changes and may resume operations.

Contact Us:

Phone: 410-396-4544
Fax: 410-396-5986

Mail: Environmental Health, 1001 E. Fayette Street, Baltimore, MD 21202

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.

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