Frequently Asked Questions
How to Become Certified
Review the
application (PDF).
Ensure your hospital can meet the criteria listed in the application for the level in which you are applying.
Submit your application.
Note: Your responses are saved if you need to exit the application before it's submitted. However, we highly recommend completing the application in one sitting.
If you have questions or need guidance, contact us via email.
Suggested Application Content to Meet Criteria
Emergency Department Activities
Criterion 1: Screens emergency department patients for at-risk substance use and substance use disorder (Level 3)
Screening tool/questions
Screening administration protocol/guideline
Description of intervention in response to positive screen (or declined screen)
Criterion 2: Emergency department discharge protocol (Level 3)
ED discharge protocol (as per HOPE Act)
Criterion 3: Prescribes naloxone to emergency department patients (Level 3)
ED prescribing protocol OR description of prescribing practices
Criterion 4: Initiates treatment for emergency department patients (Level 3)
ED initiation protocol/guideline
Number of patients initiated for MAT within the past month
The transition of care / facilitated referral protocol OR description of the referral process
Criterion 5: Prescribing guidelines for opioid analgesics (Level 3)
Mechanism for promulgation
Criterion 6: Provides educational materials about safe storage & disposal to patients who are prescribed opioids (Level 3)
Text/image of materials
Criterion 7: Offers peer or similar support services to emergency department patients (Level 2)
Scope of practice for support specialists
Protocol for offering recovery support resources for ED patients OR description of recovery support practices
Number of patients receiving recovery support services and types of recovery support services over the past month
Criterion 11: Monitors fidelity to prescribing guidelines (Level 2)
Mechanism for monitoring
Description of interventions available in cases of overprescribing
Aggregate data about provider adherence to guidelines, stratified by practice setting
Criterion 14: Dispenses naloxone to emergency department patients and admitted patients (Level 1)
Dispensing protocol/guideline OR description of dispensing practices
Number of kits dispensed within the past month, stratified by insurance status of patients (if available)
Inpatient Activities
Criterion 5: Prescribing guidelines for opioid analgesics
Mechanism for promulgation
Criterion 6: Education materials about storage & disposal to patients who are prescribed opioids
Text/image of materials
Criterion 8: Screens directly admitted patients for at-risk substance use and SUD
Screening tool/questions
Screening administration protocol/guideline
Description of intervention in response to positive screen (or declined screen)
Criterion 9: Prescribes naloxone to admitted patients
Inpatient prescribing protocol OR description of prescribing practices
Criterion 10: Initiates treatment for admitted patients
Inpatient prescribing protocol/guideline
The transition of care / facilitated referral protocol OR description of the referral process
Criterion 11: Monitors fidelity to prescribing guidelines
Mechanism for monitoring
Description of interventions available in cases of overprescribing
Aggregate data about provider adherence to guidelines, stratified by practice setting
Criterion 12: Initiates treatment with any of three medications
Inpatient prescribing protocol/guideline
The transition of care / facilitated referral protocol OR description of the referral process
Criterion 13: Offers peer or similar support services to admitted patients
Scope of practice for support specialists
Protocol for offering recovery support resources for ED patients OR description of recovery support practices
Number of patients receiving recovery support services and types of recovery support services over the past month
Criterion 14: Dispenses naloxone to ED patients and admitted patients
Dispensing protocol/guideline OR description of dispensing practices
Number of kits dispensed within the past month, stratified by insurance status of patients (if available)
Outpatient Activities
Criterion 15: Screens outpatients for at-risk substance use and SUD
Screening tool/questions
Screening administration protocol/guideline
Description of intervention in response to positive screen (or declined screen)
Criterion 16: Offers ongoing treatment for outpatients
Medication protocol
Psychosocial support services available
Description of referral process (e.g., if a patient needs a different treatment setting)