Cures hits the floor, and bipartisan backers want House to pass it (Politico Pulse)

Thursday Dec 1st, 2016

The health care industry is abuzz over Donald Trump's picks of Tom Price for HHS Secretary and Seema Verma for CMS administrator. But first: The vote on 21st Century Cures is finally here.

CURES HITS THE FLOOR TODAY, AND BIPARTISAN BACKERS WANT THE HOUSE TO PASS IT — That includes industry players like Intel, Republican leaders like Sen. Lamar Alexander — and the Obama administration, too.


— Meanwhile, 11 city health leaders petition Price to invest in public health. "The Republican Party Platform proposes reducing costs by converting Medicaid into block grants," write the letter-signers, which include Baltimore health commissioner Leana Wen and New York City health commissioner Mary Bassett. "This concerns us, as it risks depriving our most vulnerable residents of access to healthcare and adversely affecting health outcomes." Read the letter.

Read the entire piece.


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When I’ve asked experts about these approaches, it’s not that any of them are bad. It’s that they fall short. For instance, Leana Wen, the former health commissioner of Baltimore (and soon-to-be president of Planned Parenthood), said that the Support for Patients and Communities Act “is simply tinkering around the edges.”

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