CityLab comes to Baltimore Wednesday (Baltimore Sun)
As Baltimore officials attempt to tackle some of the city’s long-festering problems, experts from around the country are coming to town to discuss ideas for progress.
At “CityLab Baltimore,” which takes place Wednesday afternoon, leaders from New York, Boston, Rhode Island, Albany, N.Y., New Orleans and Detroit plan to discuss ideas to address blight and drug abuse, among other problems.
“The basic idea is to create a moment for city leaders to exchange ideas about what’s working and what’s not and how we can get better together,” said James Anderson, who leads the government lnnovation programs at Bloomberg Philanthropies.
The Atlantic, the Aspen Institute and Bloomberg are co-sponsors of the event, which will take place at the Parkway Theatre at 5 West North Avenue at 2 p.m. The theater quickly filled up, but organizers said additional tickets might become available.