Lead In Our Water: The National Picture (On Point – NPR)
It’s not just Flint. More cities have dangerous lead levels in their drinking water. We’ll look at where and what’s going on.
The lead contamination in Flint, Michigan caused an uproar across the country. But there are more than 3,000 cases around the U.S. where lead levels are even double that of Flint. From New York to Alabama. Pennsylvania to California. Lead levels are at treacherous highs and making our children sick. This hour On Point, America’s on-going lead crisis.
Michael Pell, data reporter for Reuters.
Kris Maher, reporter for The Wall Street Journal. (@Kris_Maher)
Dr. Leana Wen, Baltimore Health Commissioner. Emergency room physician. (@DrLeanaWen)
Nayyirah Shariff, director of Flint Rising, a coalition working to advocate for families impacted by the Flint Water Crisis. (@nayyirahshariff)