City Health Commissioner Indifferent With Trump's HHS Pick But Hopes For Continued Support (WBAL Radio)
President-elect Donald Trump announced Tuesday the nomination of Georgia Rep. Tom Price to head Department of Heath and Human Services.
The selection of Price, a Republican and staunch foe of the Affordable Care Act, split many. But for Leana Wen, the health commissioner of Baltimore City, she said she cancels out the noise and focuses on her main objective: Making sure that the residents of Baltimore City are provided care.
"In response to the nomination -- and in general with the transition going on -- I convened a group of my colleagues ... 11 of us wrote a letter delivered to the Trump administration on why it is important to continue to invest in public health," Wen said on The C4 Show Thursday morning. "An investment in public health reduces the cost that's necessary later on and frankly, it's the right thing to do."
To keep the process moving in the right direction, Wen is looking for continued supported at the state and federal level.